Having a strong online presence is important for any business in today’s marketplace. Having a good website online will cost you some money, but in most cases, this is not enough. A marketing team can help, but if you do not have the money for marketing, you may think that you are better off without a website. However, you do not have to have a huge marketing budget or even a marketing budget to promote your business. Also, If you want to test your idea and experiment with real life results, Here are some ways that you can increase traffic to your website with a small or no budget.
1. Focus on Your SEO
A vital part of any successful online business is SEO. A good SEO strategy will bring higher amounts of traffic and builds brand awareness. SEO does take a lot of work, and there are new algorithms being released every few weeks to months. Google Analytics and AdWords will keep you up-to-date with the changes to the algorithms and help you find the SEO keywords that you should be focusing on.
However, in the last few updates to the search engine algorithms, keywords have become less of the focus. Keyword spamming was a huge problem, but Google is cracking down on websites that only focus on the keywords.
2. High-Quality Content
Since Google’s algorithms are getting smarter, building content is becoming more important than ever. The more content that your website has the more data that Google has to match with a search result. Good content will keep your visitors on your website, and visit different webpages. The Hummingbird algorithm focuses on what the visitors are doing and what they are clicking on. The more users who visit your website and the longer they stay, the higher that you will be ranked.
What is High-Quality Content? This really depends on the field that you are in. Generally, it is content that people are looking for. This can include FAQ’s and blog posts that answer questions people have. You should also make sure that your content is shareable on Social Media.
3. Have a Contest
If you want to build your social following in a very short time, and you have a marketing budget, you could host a contest. People really like contests, and winning free stuff. However, you need to be creative. Everyone has seen the like, share, and comment to win, and most people will just participate because it is easy to enter. There are many ways to run a contest and giveaway so have fun. Before hosting a contest, you should make sure that you know your areas guidelines about giveaways and contests to make sure you are not breaking any laws.
4. Guest Blogging
Guest blogging is when you have your blog post published on another website. The post can be about anything related to your business, or industry. Guest blog posts are a simple, but fun way of driving organic traffic to your website, and build the amount of links to your website.
5. Use Social Media
Social media is the best way to market your business when you have a small marketing budget. Like your website, creating high quality and shareable content is more important than posting a lot per day. Pictures are a great option to share a message within seconds, and you are more likely to get shares, and likes with an image post.
While having a huge marketing budget is nice, you do not need any budget at all to increase your website traffic. Increasing your website traffic only takes smart marketing tactics.
I've worked for WooRank, SEOptimer, and working on a cool SEO audit tool called SiteGuru.co. Now I have build Linkilo and SEO RANK SERP WordPress theme. I've been in the SEO industry for more than 5 years, learning from the ground up. I've worked on many startups, but also have my own affiliate sites.
No need to hire SEO experts anymore to fix your site technical SEO issues