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8 Effective Ways to Generate Website Content

by Jay | Updated on March 3rd, 2021

Content is kind, so what is the most effective formula? More content? Well, more content you have the more traffic you can get right? Possibly. Content is what people are searching for when they want certain information. They will either stay on your page if its complete and informative or they will leave because your content doesn’t provide any value. They might also leave because your content doesn’t add any value if they have read something similar.   So quality is king, but unique is also. As you can see, content can be king if you can do it correctly.

So how do you generate quality, unique, informative content?

photo of bulb artwork

1. Own the knowledge and be an expert


If people are searching for real, complete, informative information when they search for answers, you need to have the knowledge and expertise. So before you decide to create a website, you need to decide if you want to learn more about that niche or if you are already an expert. Take the time to learn a thing or two so that if they do end up on your site, they can find some valuable information like insights, best practices, tips, and tricks.

The more you learn about your niche you will learn about the related topics within your niche you can dive into as well. Think about our site In Comes Wealth. We write about blogging, affiliate marketing, investing, saving money, getting out of debt, all related to income. The more willing you are to learn the more opportunity you can provide your readers.

Read your competitor’s articles, books, take a few courses. Spend the time mastering your niche and creativity will come.

2. Tell a personal story to connect with the people


While being knowledgable is great, learning how to relate to people can really capture your reader’s hearts. You can either create friends and build a relationship or consider them dollar signs and they might not come back. To truly write content is to write about your experience, a story if you can that relates and develops the interest of your audience. Build a personal connection to help increase your ROI. They will keep coming back for new articles you write and truly make your content king.

Learn the borderlines of being personal and professional. You can show off your real self and bring a funny personality to your articles to make them feel happy, and at the same time bring informative and expertise. You can even write conversational and engage with your audience. Help trust, credibility, and rapport.

3. Provide how-to-articles and be helpful

The number one reason why people come to your site is that they have a question that needs answering. This is why Google also added “People also ask” section in their search results page:

people also ask

Create how-to articles that can guide your readers step by step. Learn the different types of content you should be producing that bring actions but also make it really easy for them to do.

4. Post and discuss relevant (videos)

If content is king, video is its crown. YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine being used today. Try embedding a video from YouTube and discuss or provide your opinion. Or if it’s your video, provide a quality transcript or turn it into a blog post so that your reader has an option to watch or read. You might also be able to rank your video along with “People also ask” and your article post in one keyword search:

5. Repurpose and reoptimize old post

Create a habit of going back to your existing articles and check to see if you can repurpose or reoptimize them. It might be either outdated or one of your competitor added more value and you can also optimize your article to beat theirs. If you do add more content to your old post, Google will also notice it and rank you better. Old content can get buried as more competitors write something similar, to increase your ROI spend a few minutes going over your existing article and spice it up

6. Join a few newsletters

Creating a newsletter can help you informed about a topic your site is related to. This can help you generate content for your site. Some of your competitors might do some research on daily news or trendy topics. Most of these emails are an excellent copy that makes people click on whatever they are selling or providing information on, so you have the advantage to learn from these copywriting skills. Or sign up to trendy sites and see what type of content they are producing and spread your wings.

7. Invite other guest bloggers


There are many bloggers out there who want to contribute to a guest post in exchange for links back to their site. This is one good way to generate content for your website and meet other bloggers. Obviously, check the quality of these guest posts and their website before posting or accepting them. Set a few guidelines to ensure you don’t get too many requests from sites you don’t want. Also, consider sticking with your niche and writing format of your choosing.

8. Be active on social media

social media

Communities can go a long way. Whether it be Facebook groups, Twitter, Reddit, Quora, you can always see the latest information, news, and updates about everything that is related to your site and to your readers. See what is trending, and what is being discussed. The type of concerns or situation some people are going through. This has always been to go-to source for generating content. Social Media can be a great keyword search tool, just because it shows what keywords they are typing, the specific questions they are typing, instead of  Google providing the questions on their search results page. Using the same lingo as your readers can help attract them. But most importantly, you can adapt the lingo to your articles and make it more personal. Connecting on Reddit or Quora type of platform can also mean you can increase your expertise and branding.

In conclusion

Writing content can be a tough challenge, especially as a beginner. I hope that you gain some valuable knowledge to help you expedite your learning curve and generate quality content.


I've worked for WooRank, SEOptimer, and working on a cool SEO audit tool called Now I have build Linkilo and SEO RANK SERP WordPress theme. I've been in the SEO industry for more than 5 years, learning from the ground up. I've worked on many startups, but also have my own affiliate sites.


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